We’re currently in the 2nd week of a New Year! There’s so much to be thankful and grateful for. As I’ve reflected on 2022, I’m reminded of God’s blessings, the gifts of life and love, the purpose of growth, and the heartbreak of grief. 2022 brought many changes for me, including beginning the year with an engagement and ending it with our wedding!! Overall, it was a year of growth, love, change, and more. Unfortunately, near the end of 2022, I also experienced the loss of a dear friend, but am reminded of how life is fleeting, yet precious. I do miss her dearly and she will be forever remembered for the impact she’s had on my life.
Each New Year usually brings thoughts of change, resolutions, and some form of growth. We have these plans in mind for how we’ll “be different” and “do better.” The New Year has a way of jumpstarting the actions associated with our desires for these changes, but how do we remain consistent with them? Well, we take them one day and one task at a time, while giving credit to ourselves for the progress we’re making. In doing this, we should keep our hearts and minds open to giving ourselves grace for when we “fall short” or have to start again. Reminder: There’s nothing wrong with beginning again!
Speaking of grace, each year I choose a word to focus on as part of my journey. This year’s word is grace. It’s something I need to give myself, and others, a little more of. At times, grace can be something simple to say and hard to do. It’s something that we seek and have to remind ourselves of what it truly means.
Grace, according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, is the “disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency.” It mentions having the disposition to extend grace. There have been instances where my disposition doesn’t initially lean towards grace, however, I eventually get there. I will focus on working on my disposition and heart for grace in such a way that it’s not a delayed reaction for me.
For my 2023 Anchor Verse, I was led by a dear friend to Deuteronomy 28:6 NKJV: “Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.”
God has me covered coming and going. No matter what things may look or seem like, He knows the beginning and the end. The end result or path to get there are not surprises to Him! I’m must continue to trust Him and the process.
Here’s to not only a New Year, but to a new day!
Until next time.
© Lisi P, 2023
What a wonderful post giving praises to our God as the year was full. 2023 is here and His word stands and does not return unto Him null or void.
Blessings and Love, Alexandria K
So true!! Praise God!
What a wonderful testimony and words to live by!
Thank you and amen!