Daily Scriptures 6/18/13

Scripture: Proverbs 18:16 A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men. (NKJV)

Nugget: Many of my recent prayers have been about using the gifts that God has blessed me with in order to achieve dreams & to help others. I want to make sure I’m in God’s will & am not sitting on the gifts that He has placed in me. Too many times I believe that we let things, life, people, etc. get in the way of this.

In this process it’s easy to get caught up in what I may or may not have, but truth be told, what God has put in me (& in us) will make room for doors to open. This scripture speaks about our gifts making room for us. It’s funny because I don’t remember seeing this scripture before!

The first step is having the dream that God put in you, the next step includes acting on this dream & having faith in God regarding the gifts in you. These gifts will make room for you to meet the right people, for doors to open, & for you to do things you never thought possible. God will not give you the dream & gifts without allowing the path to achieve them to be present. Of course there may be bumps along the way, but faith in God & in yourself will get you there.

Quote: “God gives hope to those who dream. Gives miracle to those who believe. He never lets down those who trust and never leaves those who walk with Him.” -Nishan Panwar

© Lisi P, 2013


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