Arlisia Potter advice,Bible,blessings,Christian,faith,forgive,Jesus,lessons,life Soul Secrets: When It’s Hard to Forgive

Soul Secrets: When It’s Hard to Forgive

Lord, there is nothing harder than trying to forgive when you’ve been desperately wounded. It’s worse when the offenders show no remorse, but gloat over the pain they have brought into your life. And that’s where I am. I do not want to forgive.

But I know enough to understand that the command of Your Holy Word is forgiveness–no matter what. You have not given me an option.

Help me to realize that unforgiveness can kill. It can kill my friendships, my joy, even my body. So Lord, I am choosing today to forgive all those who have stolen from me, all who have broken my heart, all who have wounded my body or my soul, all who have haunted me for years. In the name of Jesus, I forgive.

Thank You, Lord, for strength to walk out this forgiveness in my life. Thank You for using it as a testimony to the power of Your love. And thank You that, as I chose to forgive moment by moment, the feelings will follow.

-From the T.D. Jakes Woman Thou Art Loosed Holy Bible


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2 thoughts on “Soul Secrets: When It’s Hard to Forgive”

  1. Lisi,
    As you already know, forgiveness is easy to talk about, but it can be hard to carry-out. We can only forgive with the help of Jesus. I place my worries, cares and hurts on His altar throughout the day and his balm is amazing. It heals and restores. Many blessings to you!

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