Daily Scriptures 7/2/12

Scripture: Psalm 4:8 In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety. (NIV)

Nugget: Many times, when we’re stressing or going through things, we find it difficult to rest & to sleep. It’s difficult to clear our minds from all the thoughts & stressors that seem to overcome us.

In reading this scripture, I’m reminded of God’s power & how we must turn everything over to Him—even our own thoughts. When your thoughts, actions, & stressors seem as if they are going to consume you, even putting a good night’s sleep in jeopardy, pray & seek God’s power. He is our refuge of safety & peace.

Quote: “There may be those on earth who dress better or eat better, but those who enjoy the peace of God sleep better.” -Unknown

© Lisi P, 2012


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