Sometimes, it’s easy for us to focus on what we don’t have, while ignoring the many blessings that we do have. Don’t ignore all that God has done for you
Category: life
Letting Go…Letting Go…
Letting go….it’s so much easier said than done; however, God will put us in situations & allow circumstances to happen in order for us to do so. These past few
Happy 2018!!!Happy 2018!!!
Happy New Year!!! Here we are at the beginning of 2018. The first page of a 365 page book that we have the blessing to see. There’s so much we
Things 2017 Has Taught MeThings 2017 Has Taught Me
A friend posed the question, “What has 2017 taught you?” It’s one of the questions where I took some time to reflect & decided upon the top 3 lessons (in
Happy Birthday To Me!!!Happy Birthday To Me!!!
Happy Birthday to me!! I am so grateful for the blessing to see another birthday. It’s amazing what the past year has brought me. I feel that it’s been one
Letting GoLetting Go
Years ago, when I left home for college, I was leaving a lot behind. From a crazy home life to family members to friends, college was an open door for
Accepting ChangeAccepting Change
Myself, along with many of those in my inner circle, are going through the process of changing; whether it be things that we’re seeking to change about ourselves, professions, walk
Take Care Of YourselfTake Care Of Yourself
One of the things many of us do not do well is taking care of ourselves. We’ll run, volunteer, work, & over-commit ourselves to everything & everyone, but ourselves. Does
Live FullyLive Fully
Throughout the past year, I’ve read Shonda Rhimes’ “Year of Yes”. The book journeys readers through Shonda’s year of saying ‘yes’ to the things she normally would’ve said ‘no’ to.
Daily Scriptures 4/4/17Daily Scriptures 4/4/17
Scriptures: Proverbs 7:1-3 1My son, keep my words, And treasure my commands within you. 2Keep my commands and live, And my law as the apple of your eye. 3Bind them