Hey all, I’ve been on the fritz; Internet was out!!! I tell ya, it seems like a while, but probably wasn’t too long 🙂 Anywho, I’ve been thinking & yet
Category: God
Today’s topic is obstacles. We all have them, right?? The thing is, we have to look at the way we view them. They can be good or bad; meaning, obstacles
Rough Week……Rough Week……
Last week was a rough week. Most of my friends know that I go into this job that I’m really over & really want to move on from. However, with
“For” & “About”“For” & “About”
Recently in Bible Study, my Pastor mentioned how we pray “about” things/people & not “for” things/people. I began to think on these 2 words & realized I’m guilty of what
Wow, B-day is Here!!!!Wow, B-day is Here!!!!
I’ve been counting down to my b-day on the blog counter & now it’s here. Is it any different than yesterday or the day before?? I think the main difference
Thoughts for TodayThoughts for Today
In thinking on yesterday & this week, I’m reminded of my waiting period: waiting for God to bring His promises to pass. Now, if anyone knows me, waiting is not
Words of EncouragementWords of Encouragement
These past few weeks have been a little tough in the workplace. In reading my T.D. Jakes Woman Thou Art Loosed Bible, I came across this: “When It Seems Too
What’s Going On??What’s Going On??
What exactly is going on with the world today?? Here in America alone, we face job losses, a down economy, & more. What exactly will happen to make things get
Big Blessings in Little BundlesBig Blessings in Little Bundles
I’m experiencing a lot of friends who are becoming first-time mothers & fathers. I got to hold one of my oldest & dearest friend’s son today. He is too adorable!!
Daily Scriptures 9/22/08Daily Scriptures 9/22/08
Scripture: Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Nugget: God did