Scripture: I Peter 2:15 It is God’s will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you. (New Living Translation) Nugget: We’ve all met
“Florida” Weather“Florida” Weather
Oh my goodness!!! It’s freezing here in Florida. Now I know my northern friends are praying for weather like this that does not include snow, but for us natives, it’s
Daily Scriptures 1/21/09Daily Scriptures 1/21/09
Scripture: Jude 1:2 May God give you more and more mercy, peace, and love. (New Living Translation) Nugget: After yesterday’s eventful mark in history, we must continue to pray for
This Day in History: 1/20/09This Day in History: 1/20/09
Today is a day that I thought I’d never see!! An African-American sworn in as the 44th President of the United States: Barack Obama. Martin Luther King & those soldiers
Obama’s Letter to His DaughtersObama’s Letter to His Daughters
I came across the letter that Barack Obama wrote to his 2 daughters, Malia & Sasha. This letter makes me think of a true example of what a good man
This month is 1/2 over…This month is 1/2 over…
This month is 1/2 over already!! So, we’ve made it 1/2 way through the 1st month of the New Year. I pray it’s been good for you. Are you keeping
Why You Should….Pt. 2Why You Should….Pt. 2
Why you should have a Girls Nite Out….it’s the best thing to get all your friends together & enjoy yourselves. You’re away from work, life, significant others, etc. What a
Daily Scriptures 1/12/09Daily Scriptures 1/12/09
Scriptures: II Timothy 2:23-24 23 Again I say, don’t get involved in foolish, ignorant arguments that only start fights. 24 A servant of the Lord must not quarrel but must
New Job Started Today…New Job Started Today…
My new job started today. It’s going well. Meeting new people & learning new things. It’s always good to have a change. I’m excited about putting my degree & experience
Daily Scriptures 1/9/09Daily Scriptures 1/9/09
Scripture: Hebrews 13:1 Let brotherly love continue. Nugget: Today’s times are so difficult, that I think it’s easy to forget the simple things. Even things like brotherly love. We get