God Handles Things!!!

I remember hearing from my elders that “God can handle things better than we can”. Little did I know that I would develop a deeper meaning of this as I got older. I know so many people who hold on to things, people, hurt, circumstances, & more. These are elements that can hinder so much in their lives.

In the past few months, I have realized more & more how God can handle things. He has done this right before my eyes. With this being said, there’s no reason for us to hang onto past hurts & the desire to “get someone back” for what they have done. Our main job is to live this life that God has given us & to let Him guide us in it 🙂

So how to we let God step in? By stepping back! Stop trying to do everything & all things; stop holding on to the things you need to let go of; stop getting in God’s way from letting Him step in!! This list can go on & on!

What can you change to let God handle things? Get out of God’s way!!! He’s in business 🙂

Unti next time.


~Lisi P.

© Lisi P, 2009


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