Scripture: Matthew 4:1 Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. (NKJV) Nugget: Sometimes our struggles & problems can become overwhelming.
Category: advice
“YOLO”: You Only Live Once“YOLO”: You Only Live Once
This past weekend was a great one for me! I truly enjoyed the time with my friends & even got some “me” time in as well. It became a reminder
Daily Scriptures 4/11/13Daily Scriptures 4/11/13
Scripture: Proverbs 24:27 Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house. (NIV) Nugget: In reading this scripture, I’m reminded to be prepared,
Soul Secrets: When It’s Hard to ForgiveSoul Secrets: When It’s Hard to Forgive
Lord, there is nothing harder than trying to forgive when you’ve been desperately wounded. It’s worse when the offenders show no remorse, but gloat over the pain they have brought
Every day I learn more & more about changes. Just when I think that I have experienced something, & learned from it, God provides another opportunity for me to learn
Daily Scriptures 3/12/13Daily Scriptures 3/12/13
Scriptures: Ephesians 6:23-24 23Peace be to the brethren, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 24Grace be with all them that love our Lord
Daily Scriptures 2/28/13Daily Scriptures 2/28/13
Scripture: Psalm 17:3 You have tested my thoughts and examined my heart in the night. You have scrutinized me and found nothing wrong. I am determined not to sin in
An Encouraging Pep Talk!!An Encouraging Pep Talk!!
A dear friend sent this encouraging word to me!! We definitely all need an encouraging word from time-to-time. May this put a smile on your face today, letting you know
Daily Scriptures 1/23/13Daily Scriptures 1/23/13
Scriptures: Ephesians 5:6-7 6Don’t be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the anger of God will fall on all who disobey him. 7Don’t participate in the
Running Update: 2012 SummaryRunning Update: 2012 Summary
Well, 2012 officially ended my first year of running (I haven’t hit my year anniversary in 2013 yet, but it’s on the way!). I feel good about my running accomplishments