God is good! I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to teach online. This is my first try at it & I’m excited. Not sure if an online instructor is a
Category: advice
Daily Scriptures 9/18/09Daily Scriptures 9/18/09
Scriptures: Proverbs 9:7-8: Anyone who rebukes a mocker will get an insult in return. Anyone who corrects the wicked will get hurt. So don’t bother correcting mockers, they will only
Happy Anniversary!!!!Happy Anniversary!!!!
One year ago today I began Lisi’s Place blog. Time passes so quickly!!! I thank the friends & family who’ve encouraged me in this process. I am so happy to
Daily Scriptures 8/25/09Daily Scriptures 8/25/09
Scripture: Proverbs 20:5 Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water; but a man of understanding will draw it out. Nugget: This is one of my favorite verses
For My Singletons: Pt. 8For My Singletons: Pt. 8
I haven’t written to my fellow singletons in a while. Just some thoughts. Enjoy the season you’re in right now because when the next one starts, the other ends. It’s
Catching up….Catching up….
Yesterday, the thought came to me to reach out to the positive people who’ve made an impact on my life. You know, the people you haven’t heard from in a
For My Singletons: Pt. 6For My Singletons: Pt. 6
I realized that I haven’t “talked” to my fellow singletons out there in a little bit. I think the most recent conversations I’ve had with my fellow sista-friends are ones
Humble Advice for the New Year & BeyondHumble Advice for the New Year & Beyond
My friend emailed this to me & I thought it would be good to share 🙂 Great advice._________________ *Go through your cell phone, caller id, calendar, and email addresses and
Your StoryYour Story
Hey all, I’ve been on the fritz; Internet was out!!! I tell ya, it seems like a while, but probably wasn’t too long 🙂 Anywho, I’ve been thinking & yet
Rough Week……Rough Week……
Last week was a rough week. Most of my friends know that I go into this job that I’m really over & really want to move on from. However, with