Scripture: Proverbs 28:25 The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the LORD will prosper. (NIV) Nugget: Greed, it’s a characteristic that can bring out a side of
Category: growth
Daily Scriptures 11/4/13Daily Scriptures 11/4/13
Scriptures: Psalm 24:4-5 4He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. 5He shall receive blessing from
Daily Scriptures 10/2/13Daily Scriptures 10/2/13
Scripture: Proverbs 9:9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. (NKJV) Nugget: I always say,
Daily Scriptures 9/24/13Daily Scriptures 9/24/13
Scripture: Isaiah 32:18 My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, In secure dwellings, and in quiet resting places (NKJV) Nugget: A good friend pointed out this scripture to me;
Daily Scriptures 9/23/13Daily Scriptures 9/23/13
Scriptures: Romans 5:3-5 3And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; 4and perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5Now hope does not disappoint, because
Faith TestedFaith Tested
Have you ever had so much going on that you wondered what God was up to? You’ve prayed your prayers, read your Bible, & even have your favorite Scriptures memorized
Praise Song: “Overcomer”Praise Song: “Overcomer”
Lately, I’ve had a lot going on, in the midst of it all, I’m doing my best to stay encouraged in God & His word. One of my friend’s sent
Fear Doesn’t Live HereFear Doesn’t Live Here
During my undergraduate college years, I was a part of this program to enhance my leadership skills. For some reason, recently, I began to reflect on my experiences in
Cleaning HouseCleaning House
Not too long ago, actress Jada Pinkett-Smith shared great advice about Cleaning House on her page. What she usually shares is very wise & brings clarity to situations that we
Daily Scriptures 6/4/13Daily Scriptures 6/4/13
Scriptures: Genesis 12:1-2 1Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your country, From your family, And from your father’s house, To a land that I will show